Another day another paedophile being convicted for the most nefarious crimes against children in Scotland whilst working on projects in schools.
Andrew Easton wrote a ‘Coming Out Guide’ used across Scottish schools for the organisation LGBT Youth Scotland….
“LGBT Youth Scotland boast they have “trained” thousands of teachers over LGBT inclusivity. Schools, local authorities, the Care Inspectorate and government-run health and social care authorities made the guide available to children from the age of 13.”
When the FIRST (yes there is more then one) paedophile was uncovered at this organisation in 2003, the organisation was never investigated by the Charity Commission. It took until 2023 (!!!) for ‘historic claims’ and dozens of more victims for the police to…. finally…. launch an investigation. Which is ongoing.
And YET this organisation continues to be funded by the Scottish taxpayer. Has free and open access to children in schools. Nothing has been done. And I ask you. What the hell is THAT all about? I assumed if an organisation was found to be shielding ONE sex predator and child (and baby) rapist that would be the nail in the coffin of that organisation (James Rennie, former CEO, 2003). What magic dust have they spread about themselves to avoid this fate?
I wrote the following letter (in variations) to my local councillors in Glasgow, my MSPs, to the Young Scot card organisation (who list LGBT Youth Scotland as one of their ‘go to organisations’), and Glasgow City Parents Group (who should be aware of this, they have already responded they have no association with the org). I urge Scottish readers to write to their MSPs, councillors and ANY organisation with connections big or small to this organisation. Urge them to cut off any and all ties, and halt funding immediately.
I am writing to all my MSPs and Councillors regarding significant concerns I have regarding LGBT Youth Scotland. No doubt you would have seen the latest paedophile conviction associated with this organisation. I urge you to do your due diligence and call on a halt to all activity by this organisation and funding from the Scottish government. We must put child protection first. Already there are too many victims associated with this organisation. And one is one to many, that there are dozens is a crime beyond measure.
Here’s a short list of LGBT Youth Scotland’s association with paedophiles, child traffickers and child abusers.
August 2024: Andrew Easton: a drag queen and prominent LGBTQ activist in Scotland. Writer of the LGBT Youth Scotland guide ‘Coming Out Trans’ he has now been convicted of distributing child porn. Easton demanded to be called “daddy” and used secure messaging to send messages to his schoolboy victim, and photographs of his private parts. He also hoarded 132 images and 1,119 videos with newborn infants and children up to age 10.
2003/2008: LGBT Youth Scotland founded in 2003 James Rennie CEO convicted of raping a baby & running Scotland’s largest paedophile ring . The organisation continued unabated.
2023: Police launch new criminal investigation following historic allegations of sexual abuse and exploitation. Sam Cowie an abuse survivor became involved with the charity in 2010 (one year after Rennie’s conviction). Cowie who was 15 and in foster care was referred by a social worker. Once Sam settled in older men in the charity would ply him with drinks and special privileges including being taken to gay clubs when he was underage. It was during this time he was encouraged to sleep with older men and given money to perform sexual acts. Daniel Nechtan another abuse survivor from the same period states ‘although I was young, many people in the charity were in their 20s and 30s and as far as I can tell, there was on safeguarding or anything. In fact, it seemed more like a social network to connect older men with (often vulnerable) teenagers’
2022: LGBT Youth Scotland was reported to the charity register by Safeguarding Our Schools Scotland for referring children on a chatroom to information about breast binders by the UK charity Mermaids. Mermaids were under investigation by the charity commission and Safeguarding Our Schools questioned why LGBT Youth Scotland was signposting resources by Mermaids on its website before the investigation into the charity’s safeguarding approach had concluded.
May 2024: MSP Meghan Gallagher convened a cross party group in Holyrood to speak about trans ideology in Scottish Schools. Dr. Jenny Cunningham (30 years NHS Paediatrician and Child Autism Expert) who was in attendance at the meeting found that the damaged youth and broken families present at that meeting all had one link: LGBT Youth Scotland.
These are some of the abuses we know of - how many more have to come to light before this organisation is properly vetted?
We should not let calls of ‘homophobia’ keep us from following through on strident children protection policies. Let’s remind ourselves that it is also gay children being harmed. LGBT Youth Scotland has demonstrated more red flags than a semaphore demonstration. Despite consistently demonstrating they are not fit for purpose our tax pot funds them to extraordinary levels. I call on you to put party politics aside and do what is best for our children and call for a halt to all activity and funding.
Kate Deeming
But it doesn’t end there Sam Cowie (one of the victims of this organisation) has aptly pointed out that said organisation (outside of shielding predators and paedophiles) has seen a marked DECREASE in satisfaction of LGBT+ young people since it’s inception. Surely an organisation who is so woefully bad at their job to have this job performance should not continue to be rewarded with lucrative contracts (paid for by our taxes)?
Newsletter 68 Iain Morse lays out the failings of the organisation which seems nothing more than a money hustle at best.“It is instructive to consider the CV of LGBT Youth Scotland’s chief executive, Mhairi Crawford. After completing a Ph.D. in Physics in 2004, she worked in business sales and consultancy before her appointment as development director of WISE, a charity promoting women’s participation in STEM sectors of industry. As development director, she solicited corporates which ‘sponsor’ WISE for accreditation, a widely used business model for charities.
Having moved to LGBT Youth Scotland as its chief executive in September 2019, she has presided over the introduction of an ambitious plan focused on attracting potential sponsors to expand the charity’s fee and grant income. The 2022 report and spin-offs achieved just that, identifying schools, universities, the NHS and the police as all needing improvement. The charity also has access to leading SNP politicians and has supported legislation related to hate crime and gender recognition.”
Is LGBT Youth Scotland like former gay rights organisation Stonewall that set its sights on trans ideology when it saw it had achieved all it could nationally within the LGB bandwidth with gay marriage having been legalised? Stonewall saw the enormous financial potential in that. (Ching Ching trans treatments are a multi-trillion dollar industry)
Did LGBT Youth Scotland shift its aim to survival even when the job was done? Is that all this is, a money hustle? Is this organisation really needed, really?
Or are it’s aims more nefarious then that? One has to wonder about an organisation who are so casual about evidence of child harm, whether it’s because this is not unusual within the organisation itself? Is this how they view children, as merely collateral damage to their survival as an organisation or to groom them for something else?
We cannot be sure, but we sure do wonder. We sure do wonder as more and more claims are brought forward.
And Scottish Government response so far to this latest conviction? Well they distance themselves from it of course. Nothing to do with them: ‘well we didn’t MAKE schools use the guidance did we’ (in so many words). This points to their strategy with every.single.quango. in Scotland. They put enormous pressure onto schools and Headteachers to adopt these policies and programs, but ‘ultimately it’s up to them’ and because it’s the Headteacher who signs the final line, it’s the Headteacher who is liable. Be warned school community, Scottish Government will not protect you as it places abusers amongst your children.

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Why don't you try to get Stu Campbell at Wings Over Scotland to reprint this to get it more exposure? Bet he would.