Assisted Suicide (Eugenics Mark 4)
Don't be fooled by the language of Human Rights, this is distinctly anti-human & it's coming for your children
Eugenics is the belief that humans can be ‘improved’ through ‘selective breeding’. This popularisation of this philosophy ramped up in the UK in the late 19th century and (perhaps) reached its nadir in the public eye with Hitler’s program of the ‘final solution’ and the Nazi concentration camps. Behind closed doors however other programs of ‘selective breeding’ have continued through the 20th century such as prenatal screening and abortion used for genetic abnormalities such as Down syndrome which is widely practiced. In Iceland nearly 100% of women choose to abort their fetus if found to have down’s syndrome, leaving the country with one of the lowest rates of individuals with downs syndrome in the world. And of course China’s one child policy which continued until 2015.
And now we have Euthanasia/Assisted Dying/Compelled Suicide/Murder (depending on how you view the practice) being debated by UK government on the 29 November.
The UK Government is now set to debate ‘liberalising’ an ‘assisted dying’ bill. It contains all the hallmarks of 'choice', 'kindness' and 'human rights' we have come to expect from our legislators…..with a side dose of anti-human Malthusianism.
As happens the first book about ‘facilitating’ early death was written by Scottish Doctor George B. Mair. In his book ‘Confessions of a Surgeon’ he states
“I practiced euthanasia...illegal and unethical but I still say it was merciful”
It was his experiences of being a surgeon that led to the publishing of ‘How to Die with Dignity’ the first of such volumes, which set the stage for a host of other publications worldwide. In fact it was the Scottish branch of the Voluntary Euthanasia Society (then called Exit, now Dignity in Dying) who broke from the original (VES) society in order to evangelise its aims.
From the onset the euthanasia movement was criticised for blurring the line between the oft cited mercy-killing with consent,
“…to obscure the distinctions between voluntary and involuntary euthanasia. There is even some evidence of VELS sympathy for nazi euthanasia. At the same time, VELS members also tended to be involved in the eugenics, birth control and public health movements or belong to liberal religious groups like the Unitarians, or they were physicians radicalized by the experience of watching patients die in protracted agony.
It doesn’t take a great stretch of the imagination to see how those invested in the philosophy of euthanasia would be connected to the eugenics movement. In fact one does not have to look very far at all to find that (at least some if not all) of the founders of the Voluntary Euthanasia Society were eugenists. Its founder Charles Killick Millard was a British doctor who openly supported eugenics also founded the first birth control clinic in Leicester England.
One also does not have to look (or google) very far to see that compelled suicide is big business, with organisations and quangos all over the globe racketeering on behalf of the ‘human right’ to die. The global Human Euthanasia Services market is valued at approximately $31.3 billion in 2024 with a projected value of $58.08 billion by 2031.
Here are the UK Companies House accounts for “Dignity and Choice in Dying” from 2022 & 2023. That’s a hell of a lot of dosh for something that is still illegal.
And what I don’t understand is how something that is illegal (in the UK as the updated bill is to be debated on the 29th November 2024) could still feature number 2 in the international market in the compelled suicide industry? (#2 - Exit, now rebranded as Dignity & Choice in Dying). What am I missing here?
But what I find really striking is the changing language around compelled suicide (previously termed murder) and the idea of ‘human rights’.
In this film ‘Do No Harm’ Cardinal Vincent Nicols starts the film by reflecting a very profound and important point
“Today's debate about assisted dying often comes packaged in the way of many things these days centered around human “rights”. Do I have the “right” to take my own life? But you know behind the notion of human rights is a much deeper notion of human dignity. Rights are bestowed on somebody by a law, dignity is innate within the human person. Dignity can only be recognized or ignored but it's not in the gift of a government or a state to grant dignity to somebody”
We only have to look to Canada where poverty is now driving many applications for the MAID (Medical Assistance in Dying) program. Other countries like the Netherlands or states like Oregon -early adopters of ‘the right to die’ -have consistently expanded the barometer of allowability since initial passing of their bills which hinged (at least superficially) on the basis of mercy, alleviating suffering and terminal illness. We see how individuals feeling depressed to others suffering such pathological conditions such as anorexia are now included to be granted a suicide application places opening the door with a promise of ‘mercy’ and with that normalising the struggle of life being a basis for compelled termination.
And as the barometer of what constitutes ‘reasonable cause’ to apply for assisted suicide, who may apply also has shifted.
Because now Canada will consider euthanasia for a ‘minor who is sufficiently mature’. As will the Netherlands. And Belgium. For a start.
Now before you let the full horror of that take you over. Consider this. A whole state education program is being forced upon our children that tells them they have ‘rights’ and that they can ‘lead’ and that they can ‘consent’. All that matters is their ‘lived experience’ and their ‘identity’. We see this in the implementation of the United Nations Rights of the Child (UNCRC) whose ‘Rights Respecting Charter’ is in 75% of Scottish Schools. We see this in Scotland’s comprehensive sexuality education program RSHP(relationship sexual health & parenthood) created by Colin Morrison whose PhD was on the ‘sexual rights’ of disabled children. RSHP is also framed in the context of ‘sexual rights’… of children.
At the same token we have the steady undermining of parental authority and rights, as we now (in Scotland, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Iceland, Canada…. ) see the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child being promoted not just in schools but government and cultural institutions see
analysis here and my previous post here)We have already seen how these ‘rights’ have been weaponised to allow children to sterilise their bodies against parental wishes with the introduction of puberty blockers and synthetic hormones when children declare ‘trans identities’.
The links between birth control and eugenics are well documented with the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger being the most famous (she also popularised the term ‘birth control’).
"The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it."
— Woman and the New Race, Chapter 5, "The Wickedness of Creating Large Families." (1920).
"These two words [birth control] sum up our whole philosophy... It means the release and cultivation of the better elements in our society, and the gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extinction, of defective stocks -- those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization."
— High Lights in the History of Birth Control, Oct. 1923.
With our supposedly modern sensibility of choice, and rights it is perhaps difficult to see the dramatic shift that has taken place in society in regards to attitudes towards reproduction. And how the shift of perception seeded not just the more widespread publicly acceptable idea of compelled suicide but also the normalising of synthetic sex identities we now see within the transactivist/transhuman movement. Indeed it was this seed of controlling birth (and life) that led to transhumanist sensibilities.
has been an absolute champion of information related to ‘the trans issue’ or as she puts it ‘society being compelled to accept synthetic sex identities and a technological trans-humanist future’. She speaks cogently about the bigger picture related to ‘trans’ issues. This is more than boys in girls toilets and sports and prisons, this is a redefinition of human life itself. A life that is not defined by human biological and evolutionary reproduction but on synthetic, technologically created existence. To recognise this is to see that this issue goes well beyond the idea of a person being ‘more’ than their sex and into the realms of life itself.In our post modern world the notion of ‘choice’ has become de rigueur. We now have all sorts of things available at our fingertips that would have been unimaginable even 50 years ago, from the minutiae our Amazon home deliveries to how/when/who to have babies with. (Surrogacy of course another spoke of the wheel). But as our choice mechanism has expanded have we lost sight of the larger picture of life itself?
These choices are framed as options, like buying sweeties at a grocery store free of any networks, or whole systems of ethics, morality, consequences, obligation or duties. But is the sea of ‘choice’ and ‘rights’ making people happier? Is it making society stronger?
CS Lewis expounds on the idea ‘free will’ in his book Mere Christianity. The notion of ‘free choice’ is really the only thing that morality should be concerned with.
“I would say that every time you make a choice you are turning the central part of you, the part of you that chooses into something a little different to what it was before. And taking your life as a whole, with all your innumerable choices, all your life long you are turning this central thing either into a heavenly creature or into a hellish creature: either a creature that is in harmony with God, and with other creatures, and with itself, or else into one that is a state of war and hatred with God, and with fellow creature, and with itself…. the right direction does not lead only to peace, but to knowledge… good people know about good and evil; bad people do not know about either”.
To live fully is to accept that we are flawed and that we will struggle. It is in our compassion (sharing of the suffering) that we collectively endure, and find grace and dignity. We cannot let ourselves be fooled that it is in our power or responsibility beyond that. Human life itself depends on it.
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Thanks so much I do appreciate it!
Great article. Very informative.
'Rights' have been the best way to persuade people since at least Bernays' 'Torches of Freedom' campaign on behalf of the cigarette manufacturers.
This may have arisen from the realisation that after the First World War, people weren't simply going to do what they were told by authority any more. The people needed to believe that the alternative was being withheld from them, in order to provoke an emotional reaction which would cause them to side with whatever it was that the manipulator wanted them to do in the first place.
And so 'they are trying to take your right to smoke away' eventually became 'they are trying to take your right to abortion away' and now 'they are trying to take your right to die away'. In each case, there are powerful economic incentives in emotional manipulation.