Edinburgh Libraries are launching a public consultation this month - anyone concerned about the issues raised here should make their views known - Edinburgh Libraries need to hear from parents and grandparents who remember a time when libraries not run by internal staff networks and outside lobby groups like Stonewall and LGBT Youth Scotland - don’t just complain on social media to like minded people take part in the public consultation

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That is a great point Elaine. I am sending it through to all my contacts. It seems there are quite a few at the minute. Just was looking through the google search machine and the Scottish Library Trust and Carnegie Trust library strategy do not mention books. 'literacy' is mentioned once in a long line of 'what libraries are for' which includes things like 'wellbeing' and 'cultural understanding'. So social engineering centres then..... ugh.

Here are some of the UK wide 'Futures Library' consultations going on.













Interesting Scotland's Public Library strategy... https://scottishlibraries.org/advice-guidance/national-strategies/forward-scotlands-public-library-strategy/

Why are 'books' not listed in the public library strategy? Wellbeing is... https://carnegieuktrust.org.uk/publications/national-strategy-for-public-libraries-in-scotland/

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You seen this Sturgeon-era (that woman is responsible for huge amount of damage to this country, but she was just a useful idiot for American governmental brainwashing initiatives in Scotland because of her teen-brained zealotic sexual minority beliefs) swill? More dross to encourage young Scots to pretend they are 'oppressed minority' Americans. Plenty of white liberal guilt inculcating, too, of course.

Still, it hardly matters. High school English teacher of mine tells me that the authorities are going to be phasing out teaching novels in English class,  and are bringing in 'studying'...Tiktok videos. True fact. They're clearly trying to destroy the critical faculties of kids on purpose now. This in a country that had the world's first literate society. The church taught Scots how to read so we could read the Bible. That was the old church, mind you, not the new church of the poisoned mind. It's all going to Hell in a hand basket, and doesn't look like coming back anytime, we'll, ever. Grim. Just grim.


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I had forgotten about the Read Woke. It's a horror show really. Just was looking at the library consultations to discover that Scottish Libraries and Carnegie Trust's Future Library plans place very little weight/attention to books. In fact I did not see books mentioned once. Only 'literacy' gets a nominal mention but mostly it's libraries as places of increasing cultural understanding and wellbeing etc. So social engineering centres. Unlikely we'll get great creativity and vision like Ray Bradbury out of that. Ugh. And I can believe it on the Tik Tok thing. The quality of materials and literature kids are exposed to in schools is already subpar. I do worry about the future. Closed minds do not lead to healthy and stable societies. On the other hand the great Scottish Enlightenment came out of great darkness. So perhaps that's what we are part of now. I can only hope!

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