This is so awfully relatable. I left Glasgow last year, because of the stasi atmosphere (and shit loads of cancellations I went through for daring to question transgenderism)

I love the Scottish people and Scottish spirit, but it's really heartbreaking to see the transing of Glasgow.

Art is dead in Scotland. Art sector in Scotland is completely compromised with gender bollocks.

Sending loads of hugs from Italy :) Thanks so much for your writing. xxx

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Thank you so much. I read your posts as well - it so resonated with me. I mourn the Glasgow I moved to 25 years ago. Like you said 'regular' people don't have time for this shit but there is far too much power and influence in too many sectors of society - and it's creeping everywhere. And the arts? F*CKED. I just bumped into a former 'arts colleague' and it seemed she could barely tolerate my presence. It's CRAAAAZY. Because I don't think bodies can be bad or wrong? Because I think everyone is capable of good and bad regardless of skin colour? Because I think arts for arts sake is important and good for everyone? But no. None of that matters. I've been disloyal? I've exposed their lies? Kids are actually being hurt by their programming. Regularly and methodically.. Maybe they're not actually that bright. I don't know. Maybe it's because they (only just) discovered I'm Catholic (and this is one of the biggest acceptable biases there is as you will be well aware). All I can do is keep speaking up and out. Truth will out? I hope. The alternative - silence (and harm to children) - is so much worse.

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I can't agree more :(. It's important to speak out. Not many people have the courage tho. I think the more we speak about concrete cases, especially in Glasgow, which is incredibly indoctrinated with trans ideology, the better. I'm moving to Australia soon, which terrifies me (very woke, very pro trans) but I'm planning to record and document every atrocity that's happening within the arts and the academia. The solution for this madness is COURAGE. We must speak up, in the name of women and children. Even if it costs us 'fame', 'colleges', 'art opportunities'. Truth matters. I believe sooner or later young people will start looking up to Christianity, because we're so lost at the moment and the evil is taking over. We must protect our children and vulnerable people from this evil covered on rainbow flags. Thanks again for what you're doing. X

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Oct 17Liked by Kate E. Deeming

It doesn't help that the Southside in particular is these days crawling with GSA-type cliquesters, wannabes and neverweres, and middle-class 'arty' types who dress up as tradesmen to try and appear working class, and don't need to actually investigate anything or think because they've just taken their identity and entire outlook off a peg.

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I feel ya. I find myself shouting at my screen LUXURY BELIEFS LUXURY BELIEFS too often. They will never face the direct repercussions of what they enable. They are seeding a war. And on the GSA, which has become a corporate entity so far from it's origin of actually cultivating ART and ARTISTS, I have heard from so many long time lecturers there how much the actual *art instruction* has degraded. No one is being 'taught art' anymore. Even at the elite level. I would love to see a proper art school pop up. Instead we get The Rumpus Room (also Govanhill) leading a 'Queer Art Club' and grooming children to campaign for 'trans rights'. What a world :(

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Lucky you in Italy though! One of my favourite (and most delicious) places! xx

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Oct 15Liked by Kate E. Deeming

I'm also in Scotland and agree with you. It's a disgraceful state of affairs.

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Awful. Terrible for children and society

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Oct 16·edited Oct 16

I bow before zerobody in this stupid, pathetic country. Here's something I did at the time this Hate Crime Bill pish was launched. Having some philistine middle class, semi-evolved, semi-sentient simian dictate to me what I should think or say or write is...impossible. Take this in the spirit it was/is intended in, and you'll be fine. ;)


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That was a bit much to listen to at 6am today 🫣 but yes I get your point!!

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