Welcome to Scotland 2024 and, by extension, a lot of the Western world. The media despises men and is full of vicious, bitter careerist middle class women spitting on men 24/7 365 for fun and pay. Only gotten worse in the last 20-odd years. The manhater psycho friend of Dorothy, Sturgeon, really ramped that female supremacist crap up during her vagina-centric reign of brain-damaged, country-destroying absolute idiocy in Scotland.
Don't know a solution. Raise your laddie to avoid the manhater middle class media as much as possible. And these sniffy halfwits and lunatics wonder why young guys turn to chimpy knuckledragger clowns like Andrew Tate. Being told that white males especially are responsible for all the world's ills, a scum concept that has unfortunately imported from yankland, takes its mental and emotional toll after a while.
Brilliant. Nail, head et cetera.
Welcome to Scotland 2024 and, by extension, a lot of the Western world. The media despises men and is full of vicious, bitter careerist middle class women spitting on men 24/7 365 for fun and pay. Only gotten worse in the last 20-odd years. The manhater psycho friend of Dorothy, Sturgeon, really ramped that female supremacist crap up during her vagina-centric reign of brain-damaged, country-destroying absolute idiocy in Scotland.
Don't know a solution. Raise your laddie to avoid the manhater middle class media as much as possible. And these sniffy halfwits and lunatics wonder why young guys turn to chimpy knuckledragger clowns like Andrew Tate. Being told that white males especially are responsible for all the world's ills, a scum concept that has unfortunately imported from yankland, takes its mental and emotional toll after a while.