"anything UNCRC tries to do Jesus does better: FACT"

- love it

Well done Kate

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Thanks :)

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It always used to be dubious Labour councillors wanting to shut down Catholic schools to be “anti-sectarian”. Now it’s the Wokists and child catchers. They need to mind out, Scottish Catholics are hardly defenceless!

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Oh that is interesting. The anti-Catholic thing continues to surprise me. Even when I wasn't necessarily practicing. Didn't it used to be the PM couldn't be Catholic? Is that still the case? That is true - not defenceless at all!

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It’s the royals that couldn’t marry a Catholic, I think. That’s maybe understandable, when the country had torn itself apart for centuries over religion.

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(From a 🇨🇦 atheist/fully recovered Catholic - ignore as you see fit)

IMO all religions & religiously-founded beliefs are problematic when imposed on children (or anyone) by the State.

Some are also problematic when imposed on children by their parents (eg Islamicism - though I fully agree that 2000 years of introspection has largely defanged Catholicism, notwithstanding child abuse & misogyny that are still sorely prevalent).

It pains me to see both Islamiscism and Gender Ideology promoted, enabled, or provided a pass by Western democracies, just as we’ve largely moved past the excesses and domination of established Christians sects.

And it pains me further still that these are being enabled almost exclusively by people who claim progressive ideals, people I would largely agree with on most topics if they “walked the talk.” But they don’t. They’re the Authoritarian Left now, indistinguishable from Inquisitors but for the current lack of ability to use open force to subject us to their worldview.

Keep fighting the good fight, and know that your message (largely) resonates with a broad spectrum, including unrepentant leftish atheists like me. Once again, TERF Island must be a beacon of hope to the Commonwealth and beyond. 🙏

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Thanks :) I came back to Catholicism and whilst I can recognise the failings of humans - I do find the faith itself deeply resonant and true. In terms of Gender woo - Catholic faith says (categorically) 1. don’t lie. 2. two sexes 3. parents are there to care for kids (not the state)(and kids need an open future). That’s doctrine. That the humans in charge of it mess it up - well that’s free will and that’s the struggle of being alive. Which I think you probably agree with. (even if you don’t believe in the God part of it :) ) And also questioning is allowed and encouraged in true faith. (which I think you also agree with) - hence no fatwas against the Olympic opening ceremonies directors etc…). The thing that is interesting and infuriating about the mad leftists is they have even left the scientific method behind. It’s pure doctrine. And not even a good one. I was in Glasgow St. Andrews Cathedral this weekend and as I looked to the vaulted ceilings, I was reminded that we need to keep that sense of the Cathedral in ourselves. That’s why in all their magnificence they were built that way. As I struggle (and I do - with the frustration mostly) I have been trying to keep a sense of the Cathedral with me. I probably will write something on that!

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Full agreement, and the abandonment of science is in fact the inspiration for the first (and so far only) thing I’ve posted on my own Substack: both the Trumpist right and the Identitarian left have deliberately flooded the zone with irrationality in support of their own ideological agendas.

I need to revise and focus it, but yeah: science works.

(There’s even room for a bit of numinousness, though I suspect we differ in what the impossibility of a map fully representing the terrain means in terms of what a deity could reasonably be left with in terms of explanatory and/or exculpatory power 😉)

Again, my thanks for your passionate, thoughtful, and mutually respecting approach - our world needs so much more of this!

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